C# Nullable Types

In C#, the nullable type allows us to assign null to the variable. For example,

Nullable<int> x = null;

Here, we have assigned null value to the integer type variable x.

Declare Nullable Type

In C#, we can declare the nullable type as:

Nullable<dataType> variableName = null;

Here, dataType is Value Data Types like floating point type, integer type, boolean type etc.

Another way to declare Nullable Type

Declaring Nullable Type using ? operator

We can also declare Nullable Type using ? operator as:

datatype? variableName = null;

For example,

int? x = null;

Why Nullable Type?

In C#, we cannot directly assign null value to a variable type. For example,

using System;
class Program
    public static void Main()
// assigning 'null' to x int x = null;
Console.WriteLine(x); } }

This code throws a compiler error:

Cannot convert null to 'int' because it is a non-nullable value type

So in place of that, we use the Nullable type to assign null to the variable as:

using System;
class Program
    public static void Main()
// assigning 'null' to x Nullable<int> x = null;
Console.WriteLine(x); } }

The above program does not throw an error.

Access the Nullable Type

To access the value of the Nullable Type, we use the GetValueOrDefault() method. For example,

using System;
class Program
    public static void Main()
        // assigning 'null' to integer type variable x 
        Nullable<int> x = null;

// access Nullable type Console.WriteLine("Value of x: " + x.GetValueOrDefault());
} }


Value of x: 0

In the above example, we have assigned null to the integer type variable x.

Nullable with Different Data Types

In C#, the Nullable types work only with the value data types like integer types, floating point types, boolean types, etc. For example,

using System;
class Program
    public static void Main()
// assigning 'null' to integer type variable x Nullable<int> x = null;
// assigning 'null' to boolean type variable y Nullable<bool> y = null;
// assigning 'null' to floating point type variable z Nullable<float> z = null;
// access Nullable types Console.WriteLine("Value of x: " + x.GetValueOrDefault()); Console.WriteLine("Value of y: " + y.GetValueOrDefault()); Console.WriteLine("Value of z: " + z.GetValueOrDefault()); } }


Value of x: 0
Value of y: False
Value of z: 0

Here, we have assigned null to different types of variables.

Frequently Asked Questions

Assignment rule for Nullable Type

We have to assign a value to the nullable type while declaring the variable. Otherwise, the program gives a compile-time error. For example,

using System;
class Program
    public static void Main()
// a is not assigned with any value Nullable<int> a;
Console.WriteLine(a); } }


Use of unassigned local variable 'a'
How to check whether a value to a variable is assigned or not?

We can use Nullable.HasValue or Nullable.Value to check if a variable is assigned with a value or not. It returns:

  • True - if a variable is assigned with a value
  • False - if a variable is assigned with null

And, gives a compile-time error if the variable is not assigned with a value. For example,

using System;
class Program
    public static void Main()
        // x is assigned with a value 
        Nullable<int> x = 5;

        // y is assigned with null value 
        Nullable<int> y = null;

// returns True since x is assigned with a value Console.WriteLine(x.HasValue);
// returns False since y is assigned with a null value Console.WriteLine(y.HasValue);
} }

