Java Math nextDown()

That is, if the argument is 6.7, then the adjacent number of 6.7 in direction of negative infinity is 6.699999999999999.

The syntax of the nextDown() method is:


Note: The nextDown() method is a static method. Hence, we can call the method directly using the class name Math.

nextDown() Parameters

  • start - starting number whose adjacent number is to be returned

Note: The data type of start can be either float or double.

nextDown() Return Values

  • returns the number adjacent to start towards negative infinity
  • returns NaN if start is NaN
  • returns negative infinity if start is negative infinity

Note: The nextDown() method is equivalent to the Math.nextAfter(start, Double.Negative_INFINITY).

Example: Java Math.nextDown()

class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {

    // float arguments
    float start1 = 7.9f;
    System.out.println(Math.nextDown(start1));   // 7.8999996

    // double arguments
    double start2 = 7.9;
    System.out.println(Math.nextDown(start2));   // 7.8999999999999995

    // with positive infinity
    double infinity = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    System.out.println(Math.nextDown(infinity)); // -Infinity

    // with NaN
    double nan = Math.sqrt(-5);
    System.out.println(Math.nextDown(nan));      // NaN


Here, we have used the Java Math.sqrt(-5) method to calculate the square root of -5. Since, the square root of negative number is not a number, Math.nextDown(nan) returns NaN.

The Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY is a field of Double class that allows us to implement infinity in a program.

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