Python int()

The int() function converts a number or a string to its equivalent integer.


# converting a floating-point number to its equivalent integer

result = int(9.9)
print('int(9.9):', result)    # int(9.9): 9

int() Syntax

The syntax of the int() method is:

int(value, base [optional])

int() Parameters

int() method takes two parameters:

  • value - any numeric-string, bytes-like object or a number
  • base [optional] - the number system that the value is currently in

int() Return Value

The int() method returns:

  • integer portion of the number - for a single argument value (any number)
  • 0 - for no arguments
  • integer representation of a number with a given base (0, 2 ,8 ,10,16)

Example 1: Python int() with a Single Argument

# int() with an integer value
print("int(123) is:", int(123))

# int() with a floating point value
print("int(123.23) is:", int(123.23))

# int() with a numeric-string value
print("int('123') is:", int("123"))


int(123) is: 123
int(123.23) is: 123
int('123') is: 123

In the above example, we have returned the integer equivalent of an integer number, a float number and a string value.

Example 2: int() with Two Arguments

# converting a string (that is in binary format) to integer
print("For 0b101, int is:", int("0b101", 2))

# converting a string (that is in octal format) to integer
print("For 0o16, int is:", int("0o16", 8))

# converting a string (that is in hexadecimal format) to integer
print("For 0xA, int is:", int("0xA", 16))


For 0b101, int is: 5
For 0o16, int is: 14
For 0xA, int is: 10

Example 3: int() for custom objects

Even if an object isn't a number, we can still convert it to an integer object.

We can do this easily by overriding __index__() and __int__() methods of the class to return a number.

The two methods are identical. The newer version of Python uses the __index__() method.

class Person:
    age = 23

    def __index__(self):
        return self.age

    # def __int__(self):
    #     return self.age

person = Person()

# int() method with a non integer object person print("int(person) is:", int(person))


int(person) is: 23

In the above example, the class Person is not of the integer type.

But we can still return the age variable (which is an integer) using the int() method.

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