Swift Set union()

The union() method returns a new set with distinct elements from all the sets.


var A: Set = [2, 3, 5]
var B: Set = [1, 3, 5]

// compute union between A and B print("A U B = ", A.union(B))
// Output: A U B = [1, 2, 3, 5]

union() Syntax

The syntax of the set union() method is:


Here, set is an object of the Set class.

union() Parameters

The union() method takes a single parameter:

  • otherSet - The set of elements.

Note: The other must be a finite set.

union() Return Value

  • The union() method returns a new set with elements from the set and other (set passed as an argument).

Example 1: Swift set union()

var A: Set = ["a", "c", "d"]
var B: Set = ["c", "d", "e" ]
var C: Set = ["b", "c", "d"]

// compute union between A and B print("A U B =", A.union(B))
// compute union between B and C print("B U C =", B.union(C))


A U B = ["d", "e", "a", "c"]
B U C = ["d", "e", "b", "c"]

Here, we have used the union() method to compute the union between A and B & B and C respectively.

Example 2: Use of Swift union() and Ranges

// create a set that ranges from 1 to 4
var total = Set(1...4)

// compute union print(total.union([5,6]))


[6, 3, 2, 5, 1, 4]

Here, 1...4 represents a set of numbers that ranges from 1 to 4 and is assigned to total.

Finally, we have computed the union between total and [5,6].