The Split()
method breaks up a string at the specified separator and returns its substrings.
using System;
namespace CsharpString {
class Test {
public static void Main(string [] args) {
string text = "C# is a fun programming language";
// split string
string[] result = text.Split(" ");
Console.Write("Result: ");
foreach(String str in result) {
Console.Write(str + ", ");
// Output: Result: C#, is, a, fun, programming, language,
Split() Syntax
The syntax of the string Split()
method is:
Split(String separator, Int32 count, StringSplitOptions options)
Here, Split()
is a method of class String
Split() Parameters
The Split()
method takes the following parameters:
- separator - separates the substrings in a string
- count - controls the number of resulting substrings
- options - specifies whether to omit empty array elements or to include them
Split() Return Value
The Split()
method returns a string array containing the substrings.
Example 1: Split String Into an Array
using System;
namespace CsharpString {
class Test {
public static void Main(string [] args) {
string text = "a::b::c::d::e";
// split string at ::
string[] result = text.Split("::");
foreach(string str in result) {
a b c d e
Here, we split the string at ::
. Since the count parameter is not passed, the returned array contains all the substrings.
Example 2: Split String Using Multiple Characters
using System;
namespace CsharpString {
class Test {
public static void Main(string [] args) {
string text = "a b,c.d/e";
// split string
string[] result = text.Split(' ', ',', '.','/');
foreach(string str in result) {
a b c d e
Here, we split the string at characters ' '
, ','
, '.'
, and '/'
Example 3: Split String Delimited by a String or String Array
using System;
namespace CsharpString {
class Test {
public static void Main(string [] args) {
string text = "codemy is developed for programmers";
string[] separators = {"is", "for"};
// separates string at separators
string[] result = text.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.None);
foreach(string str in result) {
codemy developed programmers
In the above example, notice the line,
string[] result = text.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.None);
- separators - string array used to split the string text at
- includes empty array elements in the returned array
Example 4: Return a Specific Number of Substrings
using System;
namespace CsharpString {
class Test {
public static void Main(string [] args) {
string text = "a::b::c::d::e::f";
string[] separators = {"::"};
// create a maximum of 2 substrings
string[] result = text.Split(separators, 2, StringSplitOptions.None);
foreach(string str in result) {
a b::c::d::e::f
In the above example, notice the line,
string[] result = text.Split(separators, 2, StringSplitOptions.None);
Here, we have specified the count to 2, so it returns a maximum number of 2 substrings.